Lanka Network Operators Group (LKNOG) is a non-profit, community based initiative to bring the network operators and networking professionals in Sri Lanka together in terms of educational, knowledge sharing and collaborative aspects. The objective of this forum is to provide a local & regional platform to discuss operational issues and technologies that interests network operators in Sri Lanka and in South Asia. This initiative also aim to unearth local talent and resource personnel from Sri Lanka who will be keen to contribute towards capacity building and knowledge sharing activities at large.
Conference schedule
Conference program includes presentations covering latest tech updates and industry trends.
October 02, 2019
LKNOG3 Conference

Inauguration and Keynote
Welcome Formalities
Keynote: Operator's role for building up a digital nation
Mr Perera joined SLT in 1994. He holds an MEng from University of Moratuwa in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering and is a Chartered Engineer of the Institute of Electrical Engineers and Engineering Council (UK). He has extensive experience in International Transmission Systems, Submarine Cable Systems, Data and IP Networking, and Project Management.
He counts over 12 years of experience in the enterprise and Government customer segments. In addition, he was instrumental in introducing Metro Ethernet Technology to Sri Lanka. Mr Perera has provided voice-data integrated enterprise solutions connected with high speed resilient connectivity services to many customers.

K A Kiththi Perera
Chief Executive Officer Sri Lanka Telecom PLCPresentation 1: Tapping into the ISPs: LEARN's Perspective

Prof. Roshan G. Ragel
LEARNMorning Refreshments
Keynote: Strengthening the Internet infrastructure in Sri Lanka
He has 30+ years’ experience in computer and information technology, starting his career in 1984 with IBM, Indonesia. In 1994 he established the first commercial Internet Service Provider in Indonesia, IndoInternet, and became its President Director until 2000. He was actively involved with the development of the Internet in the region and became the Indonesia ISP Association (APJII) Secretary General in 1999. He also served as a member of the APNIC Executive Council in 1996.
He joined APNIC in 2001 and has undertaken various roles within the technical and services areas. His main responsibility as APNIC’s Deputy Director General is to oversee the implementation of APNIC strategic and operational plans, to realise APNIC’s vision of “A global, open, stable, and secure Internet that serves the entire Asia Pacific community”.

Presentation 2: Quality of Experience

Dr. Ajith Pasqual
Senior Lecturer, University of MoratuwaCEO, Paraqum TechnologiesPresentation 3: Using DNS as a Layer of Defense

Swapneel Patnekar
Shreshta IT TechnologiesLunch
Presentation 4: Understanding Bug Bounties

Pasan Lamahewa
-Presentation 5: Securing Internet Routing

Tashi Phuntsho
APNICPresentation 6: What’s Going On In The World of DNS

Champika Wijayatunga
ICANNEvening Refreshments
Presentation 7: Telco Cloud Common – VIM/ CIM

Puneet Chopra
IBMPresentation 8: Data Protection & Regulatory Compliance

Sam Liyanage
Action GroupPresentation 9: Business Continuity Planning

Sudarsha Jayawardhana
Sri Lanka TelecomOpen Mic
Closing Ceremony
October 03 and 04, 2019

Software Defined Networking & Resource Public Key Infrastructure
- Intro to SDN: https://wiki.apnictraining.net/sdn-lknog - Securing Internet Routing: https://wiki.apnictraining.net/rpki-lknog/agenda

Tashi Phuntsho
APNICNetwork Operations and Services
This workshop is designed for engineers and system staff at ISPs and large networks who are involved with system management, network monitoring and management, incident response and security. This course is for those who need to manage Network operations and NOCs.
Prerequisites It is assumed that participants have a good understanding of networking fundamentals.
Participant are requested to bring a laptop (8GB+ RAM, 25GB free disk space) with VirtualBox or any other suitable hypervisor installed
Workshop Topics - Internet Operations overview (IP, Routing, DNS) - ssh, Firewall, iptables - Apache2 - SNMP - DNS Security / DNSSEC - Syslog

Champika Wijayatunga
Thilina Pathirana
Chamara Disanayake
LK Domain Registry
M M Zaheer Hussain
Open UniversityProfessional event speakers
LKNOG 3 registration
Day 1 : Conference | Day 2,3 : Workshops | |
Rates | Free | LKR 15,000.00 |
Currently we are not accepting new registrants for this event.
Conference Venue

Galle Face Hotel
Sri Lanka’s one of the iconic landmark, built in 1864, The Galle Face Hotel, is situated in the heart of Colombo, along the seafront and facing the famous Galle Face Green.One of the oldest hotels east of the Suez, The Galle Face Hotel embraces its rich history and legendary traditions, utilizing them to create engaging, immersive experiences that resonate with old and new generations of travelers alike.
Call for Papers & Presentations
The LKNOG Committee is now seeking contributions for Presentations and Tutorials for the LKNOG3 Conference 2019.

Conference Presentations
Conference presentations (2 October) can be in the duration of 15-30 minutes
Tutorial presentations (3-4 October) can be in the duration of 90-180 minutes.
General Requirements
Topics proposed must be relevant to Network/Internet Operations and Technologies such as:
- ISP and IXP operations
- Network services, management and monitoring
- Routing infrastructure and operations
- IPv6 deployment and operations
- Domain Name System (DNS) and DNS Security
- Network Security (Cloud, DDoS, Anti-Spam, Anti-Malware etc.)
- Internet policy (Security, Regulatory, Content Management etc)
- Access and Transport Technologies, including Cable/DSL, Metro-E, Fibre, MPLS, 4G/LTE/5G etc.
- Content & Service Delivery Infrastructure
- Research on Internet Operations and Deployment
- Data Centre technologies and Cloud Computing
- SDN/NFV/Openstack etc.
Draft slides for both tutorials and conference sessions MUST be provided in PDF format and emailed to: info at lknog dot lk
Regardless of the submission deadline the paper selections are done on a first-come, first-served basis. We will contact the author/speaker as we make the selections.
The LKNOG Committee may, at their discretion, retain a limited number of slots up to the final submission deadline for presentations that are exceptionally timely, important, or of critical operational importance.
The LKNOG Committee will waive the LKNOG3 conference/tutorial registration fees for the selected presenters, but will not cover any other payments such as presenters fees, transportation costs, hotel expenses etc.
Call for Papers Open: 28 August 2019
Submission Deadline: 12 September 2019
Submission Deadline Extended: 20th September 2019